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Drug Tariff Part IX

View Drug Tariff Part IX

Detailed information on Part IX of the Drug Tariff

Making an application for a Part IX listing or to request a change to a current listing

Tracking your Part IX application

(Last updated 25 March 2025)

We're currently reviewing applications for listing in Part IX of the Drug Tariff acknowledged on 6 January 2025. There are 60 applications awaiting assessment.

52 applications require further information from the manufacturer.

Part IX price increase mechanism

Companies can apply for an annual price increase to take effect from the month that the product(s) was first listed in the Drug Tariff.  Applications for price increases should be sent by companies so as to be received by NHS Prescription Services two months before the price rise is intended to take effect; for example price rises requested between 1 November and 30 November will be effective for the February Drug Tariff.  Companies cannot request a price increase earlier than two months before it takes effect.

A Part IX price increase request template (Excel: 38KB) may be downloaded and submitted to

Details on the price increase mechanism are outlined in Annex C oAn Introduction to Part IX of the Drug Tariff' (PDF: 397KB).  Prices will be calculated as the forecast GDP value minus factor X, where factor X is currently 0.75.  The forecast GDP value is 2.39%.

All generic products will continue to receive their automatic price increase in June each year.

Part IXA: appliances not available at the Drug Tariff listed price

NHS Prescription services would be interested to know from any pharmacy or dispensing appliance contractors who are unable to obtain Part IXA appliances at the Drug Tariff listed price.

If you are a contractor and unable to obtain an item listed in Part IXA at the price listed from your normal wholesaler, or directly from the manufacturer/supplier, email the NHSBSA at

Part IXR: chemical reagents annual declaration form

If you have declared you are providing free services to support patients’ use of blood glucose detection strips, you must make an annual declaration. These services include, for example, one or more of supply of educational material, meters and the provision of helplines.

Representation regarding the withdrawal of services must be made to the Drug Tariff Team at NHS Prescription Services at least six weeks before the self-declaration date.

The self-declaration form is intended to be the most practical approach administratively and the fairest in terms of our openness to listen to future representations.

Failure to provide the self-declaration form or a change to the level of service provided without prior agreement by the Department of Health and Social Care may result in a further price reduction being applied from the first of the month in which the services were to have been provided.

The CRSDF01 form (Word: 239KB) allows manufacturers to confirm service provision until 31 March 2026 and should be received by the NHS Business Services Authority by 28 February 2025.

The next form covering 1 April 2026 to 31 March 2027 will be due by 28 February 2026. This will be available on this website from early 2026. 

Advanced Services

Declaration for Advanced Services

In line with the current arrangements for reimbursement of products in Part IX and remuneration, dispensing appliance contractors (DACs) and pharmacy contractors may choose to provide either one or both of the following advanced services:

  • stoma appliance customisation
  • appliance use reviews

DACs and pharmacy contractors wishing to provide either one or both Advanced Services must make an initial, one-off declaration to NHS Prescription Services stating their intentions.

To declare your intentions, submit the Advanced Services declaration form (Word: 238KB) to NHS Prescription Services.

Completed applications must be with NHS Prescription Services no later than the last day of the month prior to the month in which the services are intended to be provided.

A DAC or pharmacy contractor who wishes to offer the Advanced Services of stoma customisation and/or AURs will also need to notify the relevant Area Team of their intention to provide advanced services.

If a DAC or pharmacy contractor wishes to withdraw stoma customisation, 3 months' notice must be given to both NHS Prescription Services and the relevant Area Team of their intention to do so.

Advanced Services requirements are set out in The Pharmaceutical Services (Advanced and Enhanced Services) (England) Directions 2013 in Part VIC of the Drug Tariff.