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Pharmacy payment timetable

From November 2021 (for October 2021 prescriptions), a new advance payment timetable has been introduced for all pharmacy contractors. This means contractors will receive payment approximately 20 days earlier in comparison to the previous payment timetable.

Drug Tariff - Pharmacy submission timetable for submissions received by 5th of the month (Excel:19KB)Drug Tariff - Pharmacy submission timetable for submissions received after 5th of the month (Excel:15KB)

You can find more information on advance payment dates on the September 2021 Drug Tariff (PDF: 256KB)

We may make an administrative deduction from your account if you submit your batch outside of the Drug Tariff instructions set in Part I Clause 5A 4, 5 and 6.f. You can challenge the decision to deduct this charge from your account. To challenge an administrative deduction, you must:

  • provide evidence that you have followed the claim process outlined in Part I Clause 5A 4, 5 and 6.f
  • submit a completed claim form (Word: 243KB) for a batch deemed to have been submitted late