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Universal Credit toolkit

Not everyone getting Universal Credit is entitled to help with their health costs.

You are only entitled if the total take-home pay for your household in your last assessment period was:

  • £435 or less
  • £935 or less if your Universal Credit includes a payment for a child, or you have limited capability for work or limited capability for work and work-related activity

The resources in our toolkit help people understand the rules around eligibility and support them to claim correctly.

Help us spread the message about help with health costs

We encourage pharmacies and dental practices to use and display these resources.

They can also be used by other groups or organisations, such as:

  • Citizens Advice
  • local authorities
  • food banks

Download the Universal Credit toolkit from our resource library

The toolkit includes:

  • the latest key messages, which we update regularly
  • suggested information to use in newsletters and bulletins
  • social media content, images and videos
  • printable posters and leaflets
  • digital resources

If you have any feedback on these materials or suggestions for additional resources, email