Our member events will help you understand more about your NHS pension and the NHS Pension Scheme.
We have events planned throughout the year to help you:
- understand what the NHS Pension Scheme is
- find out about your Total Reward Statement and Annual Benefit Statement
- explore your retirement options
You can find links to register for our next events on this page.
All schemes - Partial retirement explained
This event is for members with membership in both the 1995/2008 and 2015 NHS Pension Schemes.
Whether you are approaching retirement or just starting out in your career within the NHS, planning for your future has never been more important.
This event is for any worker in the NHS who is a member of the NHS Pension Scheme and is looking at exploring their option for partial retirement. The session will provide information on:
- how partial retirement works
- how to apply for your pension benefits
- eligibility for partial retirement
To register for an event, select the date and time you're interested in.
February 2025 dates
Tuesday 18 February 2025, 10:30am to midday
March 2025 dates
Wednesday 19 March 2025, 10:30am to midday
April 2025 dates
Monday 14 April 2025, 1:30pm to 3:00pm
All schemes - Your Annual Benefit Statement explained
These events are for members with membership in both the 1995/2008 and 2015 schemes.
They cover all you need to know about your Annual Benefit Statement and Total Reward Statement including what it is, how to access it and how to understand your statement.
To register for an event, select the date and time you're interested in.
February 2025 dates
Thursday 27 February 2025, 10:30am to midday
March 2025 dates
Tuesday 18 March 2025, 10:30am to midday
2015 NHS Pension Scheme only - Your Annual Benefit Statement explained
These events are for those members with 2015 NHS Pension Scheme membership only. If you have membership in the 1995/2008 Scheme, you should attend our ‘all schemes' event.
These events cover all you need to know about your Annual Benefit Statement and Total Reward Statement including what it is, how to access it and how to understand your statement.
To register for an event, select the date and time you're interested in.
February 2025 dates
Friday 7 February 2025, 10:30am to midday
April 2025 dates
Thursday 3 April 2025, 10:30am to midday
2015 NHS Pension Scheme only - Your retirement options explained
These events are for those members with 2015 NHS Pension Scheme membership only. If you have membership in the 1995/2008 Scheme, you should attend our ‘all schemes' event.
Whether you are approaching retirement or just starting out in your career within the NHS, planning for your future has never been more important. These sessions will provide information on your retirement options, including eligibility for taking a lump sum, as well as much more.
To register for an event, select the date and time you're interested in.
My NHS Pension Online Portal Event
Every member of the NHS Pension Scheme has access to a Total Reward Statement (TRS) or Annual Benefit Statement (ABS), which provides you with a personalised summary of what your NHS pension is worth today, as well as details of your pension benefits. Depending what type of statement you receive, it may also include details of your pay and your employee benefits.
Your statement can be accessed via Electronic Staff Record (ESR) or through our new online portal, My NHS Pension. This event will focus on My NHS Pension and will cover:
- how to access My NHS Pension
- the My NHS Pension registration process
- current My NHS Pension functionality
- understanding your Annual Benefit Statement (ABS)
To register for an event, select the date and time you're interested in.
February 2025 dates
Thursday 20 February 2025, 10:30am to midday
March 2025 dates
Tuesday 25 March 2025, 10:30am to midday
April 2025 dates
Tuesday 8 April 2025, 10:30am to midday
Total Reward Statement and Annual Benefit Statement Rollback Explained Event
This event will explain the why members, who are affected by McCloud, will see a difference in the benefits shown on their annual benefit statement. This being due to the rollback of membership from 1 April 2015 to 31 March 2022 being put back into the 1995/2008 Scheme.
Members of the NHS Pension Scheme have access to either a Total Reward Statement (TRS) or Annual Benefit Statement (ABS), which provides you with the benefits you have as an NHS employee.
Your statement provides you with personalised information about the value of your employment package, details about your pay and the benefits provided locally by your employer as well as an annual pension benefit statement.
If you're unable to attend our member events or would like to re-listen to the information from an event, you can watch recordings of our live member event sessions:
The events are organised by our Stakeholder Engagement Team, and they're suitable for all NHS Pension Scheme Members.
Each webinar includes a presentation lasting approximately 40 mins followed by a Question-and-Answer session, during which you can ask questions. The team may not be able to answer any queries relating to your individual member record but will be able to advise on how to get more information. There's also an opportunity at the end of the sessions to give feedback on the event.
You'll need to register your place through Eventbrite. You may have some issues opening Eventbrite if you're using Internet Explorer. If so, try a different browser, such as Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome, or get in touch with the Stakeholder Engagement Team.
If you require additional support with any of the events or would like to find out more, email the Stakeholder Engagement Team at pensionsevents@nhsbsa.nhs.uk
If you're unable to make the event you've registered for, we ask that you cancel the tickets on Eventbrite so people on the waiting list can use the spaces.