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Check if you have an NHS exemption

Tax Credit payments made by HMRC are ending on 5 April 2025

If you're currently receiving tax credits from HMRC, these will no longer be paid after 5 April 2025. If you have a valid tax credit exemption certificate, automatic entitlement to full help with health costs because of your tax credits will stop when it runs out.

People receiving tax credits are being moved to Universal Credit. When your tax credits have stopped and you're moved to Universal Credit, you must meet the Universal Credit conditions to be entitled to full help with health costs. Read our Universal Credit page to check if you are entitled to help with your health costs.

You can use our exemption checker to find out if you have a valid: 

It will tell you if your certificate:

  • is still valid and when it will expires
  • entitles you to free NHS prescriptions
  • entitles you to free NHS dental treatment

Check now

Check before you tick

Check your certificate is still valid before claiming help with your health costs. Checks are made on claims for free NHS prescriptions and free and reduced cost NHS dental treatment. If you claim incorrectly you could have to pay a penalty charge.

Check if you're eligible for help

If you do not have a valid exemption you can check if you could get help to pay NHS costs

NHS Hormone Replacement Therapy Prescription Prepayment Certificate (HRT PPC)

You cannot use this service to check if you have a valid HRT PPC

Contact us if you would like to check this.