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Temporary Injury Allowance (TIA)
The Temporary Injury Allowance (TIA) payable under the NHS Injury Benefits Scheme is no longer available to people who sustain an injury or contract a disease due to NHS employment on or after 31 March 2013.
On 31 March 2013 Temporary Injury…
Update on claims for re-imbursement of initial widows/widower pensions
The NHS Pensions Finance team is now using a paperless system for processing claims for re-imbursement of initial widow/widowers pensions (IWP). Therefore, we now require the form to be sent in a PDF format for audit purposes with a view to…
COVID-19 vaccination payment for Primary Care Networks
An updated version of this information is now available. Visit our COVID-19 vaccination declaration page for the most recent update.
We’re aware that some providers have raised questions about data discrepancies for January activity. We are…
2015 Scheme age retirement applications reminder
We have noticed an increase in 2015 Scheme retirement applications being submitted by employer’s with the reason for retirement given as 'age' and the member has not yet reached their State Pension Age.
To retire from the 2015 Scheme on age grounds…
2020/21 non-Pensions Online (POL) annual update
All employing authorities (EAs) are required to submit end of year information to NHS Pensions on an annual basis.
Our Data Management Team will send the prepopulated spreadsheet to the main EA contact during the week commencing 15 March 2021.…
Members seconded from their regular employment to assist with COVID-19 vaccinations
We are receiving enquiries from employers in relation to staff members working on coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccinations and how this will impact pension contributions.
Members being seconded from their regular NHS employment e.g. from surgeries,…
Valproate safety dashboard
Working in collaboration with the NHS England and NHS Improvement Valproate Safety Implementation Group (VSIG), we’ve developed a set of prescribing indicators to track the use of valproate medicines among women of childbearing potential (WCP).