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FP17 and FP17O changes from 1 October 2022
From 1 October 2022, NHS England is introducing changes to the dental contract. These changes are referenced in NHS England’s first stage of Dental Reform letter and affects all NHS dental teams in England.
To support the dental contract changes,…
Re-categorisation of Nutritional Borderline Substance (NBS) products – development and maintenance process
The NHS Business Services Authority (NHSBSA) has worked closely with the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) to improve the categorisation of NBS products. It is part of a system-wide move towards interoperability.
The work has been…
Open and transparent
At the NHSBSA we are committed to being ’open by default’ when it comes to our data. This includes making our data and reporting open, where it is legal, appropriate, and safe to do so; being open about the data we hold, if and how it can be…
Support and guidance for practices regarding DCR in England up to 31 March 2022
When a dental practice joined the programme, a contract variation was signed by both the practice and NHS England. There were 2 different contract variation notices:
Standard General Dental Services (GDS) Contract Variation Notice for…
Access for:
registered users through ePACT2
public users through Catalyst
The charts and data tables show values for prescribing comparators supporting the quality, innovation, productivity and prevention (QIPP) medicine use and procurement…
Universal electronic prescriptions could save NHS £300m in next three years
Prescription processing is to become digital by default as the final phase of the Electronic Prescription Service (EPS) is rolled out across the country.
The latest improvement to EPS - known as Phase 4 - allows prescriptions for all patients to be…
COVID-19 vaccination payment for primary care providers
Primary care networks (PCNs), acting on behalf of a group of GPs and community pharmacies, can claim payment for administering the COVID-19 vaccination.
Payments are processed by NHSBSA, acting on behalf of NHS England and NHS Improvement (NHSEI…
Requesting our ophthalmic data
If you require access to a specific set of Ophthalmic data this can be requested in different ways. This page details the options available and provides more information on the process involved in each.
Academic Research requests (patient…
Free NHS prescriptions
Some groups are automatically entitled to free NHS prescriptions. Others can apply for certificates that entitle them to free NHS prescriptions.
Some prescribed items are always free, including contraceptives and medication given to hospital…
Department of Health and Social Care announces extension of retire and return easements
Following a short consultation, the Department of Health and Social Care has announced an extension to retire and return easements to 31 October 2022 through temporary amendments to NHS Pension Scheme regulations.
What was included in the…