NHS Dental Services news
Showing: 10 of 69 articles["2015","2016","2017","2018","2019","2020","2021","2022","2023","2024","2025"]
Foundation dentists to submit travel and substance claims throughout each month
13th July 2023Foundation dentists are advised to submit travel and substance claims throughout each month, as early as
Orthodontic providers to submit PAR scores by 30 September 2023
10th July 2023Orthodontic providers with contracts starting in April 2019 or after, must submit
Submit your written complaints data (KO41b) - 2023
4th July 2023 This year's dental practice written complaints data collection (KO41b) will open on Wednesday 12 July 2023.Dental practices to confirm NHS website information by 30 June 2023
9th May 2023Dental practices must confirm all of their NHS website profile information every
Patient questionnaire toolkit for Wales updated
2nd May 2023Since April 2022, we've been surveying patients who have received NHS dental tre
Amending an FP17 or FP170 from 2022/23
2nd May 2023FP17 and FP17O claims relating to the 2022/23 financial year can be amended unti
Incorrect claims submitted by patients for free NHS dental treatment
2nd May 2023The Dental Exemption Checking Service has identified a number of patients aged 6
How to complete the ARR process as a performer - Friday 30 June 2023 deadline
2nd May 2023If you're a performer, you're required to confirm your Net Pensionable Earnings (NPE) for the 2022 to 23
How to complete the ARR process as a provider - Friday 30 June deadline 2023
2nd May 2023If you're a provider, you'll be required to confirm each performer's Net Pensionable Earnings (NPE) for