Meeting held at 9:00am on 9 May 2024 in Stella House, Newcastle Upon Tyne.
Sue Douthwaite, Chair
Michael Brodie, Chief Executive
Kathy Gillatt, Non-Executive Director
David Leather, Non-Executive Director
Randeep Sidhu, Non-Executive Director
Mathew McKie, Non-Executive Director
Mel Tomlin, Non-Executive Director
Brendan Brown, Chief Operating Officer (items 24/49 to 24/69 only)
Darren Curry, Chief Digital, Data and Technology Officer (items 24/49 to 24/69 only)
Mark Dibble, Executive Director of People and Corporate Services
Andy McKinlay, Executive Director of Finance, Commercial and Estates (items 24/49 to 24/69 only)
Allison Newell, Executive Director of Strategy, Performance, Business Development and Growth (items 24/49 to 24/69 only)
In attendance:
Debra Bailey, Associate Non-Executive Director, NHSBSA (via video conference)
Nigel Zaman, Senior Programme Manager, Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) (items 24/49 to 24/69 only)
David Jukes, Head of Governance and Corporate Secretary (Secretary to the Board), NHSBSA
Michael Costello, Head of Strategic Finance, NHSBSA (item 24/61 only)
Neil Emery, Optimisation Implementation Lead (Shadow Board representative), NHSBSA (items 24/49 to 24/69 only)
Beth Jackson, Talent Acquisition Lead, NHSBSA (item 24/62 only)
Sean Murphy, Head of Commercial Services, NHSBSA (item 24/64 only)
Alison O'Brien, Associate Director of Operations (Workforce Services), NHSBSA (items 24/58 and 24/59 only)
Chris Price, ESR Transformation Programme Director, NHSBSA (item 24/57 only)
Kevin Richardson, Business Innovation and Customer Experience Lead, NHSBSA (item 24/60 only)
Francoise Risbourg, Head of Business Innovation and Customer Experience, NHSBSA (item 24/60 only)
Lokesh Shrivastav, Boardroom Apprentice (observer) (via video conference)
Miranda Sykes, Head of Communications and Marketing, NHSBSA (item 24/62 only)
Samuel Ubanatu, Senior Data and Insight Analyst (Shadow Board representative), NHSBSA (items 24/49 to 24/69 only)
Katie Wilkie, Head of HR, NHSBSA (item 24/62 only)
24/49 Apologies for Absence and Declarations of Interest
There were no apologies received. There were no declarations of interest declared in relation to the Board meeting agenda.
24/50 Minutes of the Meeting held on 7 March 2024
The minutes of the previous meetings were AGREED as an accurate record.
24/51 Matters Arising and Outstanding Actions from Previous Meetings
The Board discussed outstanding actions. All actions were complete or not yet due.
The Board NOTED completed actions.
24/52 Chair's Opening Remarks
S Douthwaite welcomed N Emery and S Ubanatu to the meeting as Shadow Board representatives.
S Douthwaite highlighted that this was D Bailey's final Board meeting at the NHSBSA. S Douthwaite thanked D Bailey for her service during her tenure as a Non-Executive Director and Associate Non-Executive Director, on behalf of the Board. D Bailey reflected on the positive progress the business had made during her tenure and thanked colleagues for their support during her time as a Board member.
S Douthwaite reflected on the value of data and importance of data security following recent media coverage of data breaches in other organisations. The Board supported the ongoing focus and priority the business gave to this area.
The Board NOTED the update.
24/53 Confirmed minutes from the Audit and Risk Management Committee meeting held on 7 March 2024
The Board NOTED the minutes.
24/54 Update from the Audit and Risk Management Committee meeting held on 25 April 2024 - Alert, Advise, Assurance (AAA) Report
K Gillatt gave an update on the work of the Audit and Risk Management Committee.
The Board NOTED the update.
24/55 Chief Executive's Report
M Brodie echoed S Douthwaite's thanks to D Bailey, and thanked D Bailey on behalf of the Leadership Team.
M Brodie highlighted key points from his report, including in relation to:
- NHSBSA Strategy 2024-29
- Engagement across the health and care system
- DHSC appointments
- Commissioning Support Units (CSUs)
- Infected Blood Compensation Scheme (IBCS)
- Voice of the Customer
- NHSBSA Budget 2024/25
- CCA Global Excellence Awards
- Cumbrian Challenge charity initiative
The Board NOTED the report.
24/56 Digital, Data and Technology (DDaT) Update
D Curry highlighted key points from the report.
The Board NOTED the update.
(Chris Price joined the meeting)
24/57 Future Workforce Solution Transformation Programme Update
A McKinlay introduced the item. C Price provided the Board with an update on the Programme.
The Board NOTED the update.
(C Price left the meeting)
(A O'Brien joined the meeting)
24/58 Business Performance Update (including Balanced Business Scorecard March 2024; and Operational Performance Temperature Check Report 6 May 2024)
The Board reviewed performance using the Balanced Business Scorecard (BBS). A Newell highlighted key points from the March 2024 BBS. The Board reviewed performance using the Operational Temperature Check (6 May 2024). B Brown highlighted key points.
The Board NOTED the update.
24/59 NHS Pensions Service Update
B Brown and A O'Brien provided an overview of progress in the delivery of the NHS Pensions Service Improvement Plan, alongside an overview of key activities over the next three months and beyond.
The Board NOTED the update.
(Alison O'Brien left the meeting)
(Kevin Richardson and Francoise Risbourg joined the meeting)
24/60 Customer Experience (CX) - End of Year Report
K Richardson provided an overview of the report.
The Board NOTED the report.
(Kevin Richardson and Francoise Risbourg left the meeting)
(Michael Costello joined the meeting)
24/61 Finance Report
A McKinlay introduced the item. M Costello presented the Finance Report highlighting key points.
The Board NOTED the report.
(Michael Costello left the meeting)
(Beth Jackson, Miranda Sykes and Katie Wilkie joined the meeting)
24/62 People Update - Employee Value Proposition (EVP) Update
M Dibble introduced the team and the item, highlighting the link to the strategic goals and the new NHSBSA strategy.
B Jackson provided an overview of the report, highlighting key points.
The Board NOTED the update.
(Beth Jackson, Miranda Sykes and Katie Wilkie left the meeting)
24/63 Freedom to Speak Up (FTSU) Report
M Dibble introduced the report in his role as Executive Lead of FTSU. M Tomlin updated the Board, as FTSU Non-Executive Champion, that she had met with D Jukes (FTSU Guardian) and been provided with assurance on arrangements and case handling, and the proactive approach to promotion and communication across the business.
D Jukes provided an overview of the report including the policy and practices, and an update on FTSU activity in 2023/24.
The Board NOTED the update and ENDORSED the FTSU Strategy and Improvement Plan 2024/25.
(Sean Murphy joined the meeting)
24/64 Modern Slavery Statement
S Murphy provided the Board with the background to the Modern Slavery Act, the context in which this was an important matter for the NHSBSA and the process by which the Commercial Services team had developed and continued to update the statement. S Murphy provided an overview of the progress made by the business on the commitments made in the previous NHSBSA Statement.
Following discussion, the Board NOTED the contents of the report, APPROVED the NHSBSA Modern Slavery Statement, and AGREED to publishing the NHSBSA statement on the Home Office registry and NHSBSA external website.
(Sean Murphy left the meeting)
24/65 Board Effectiveness Review 2023/24 - Action Plan
The Board NOTED the contents of the report and progress made, and AGREED the action plan.
24/66 Any Other Business
The Board requested that an ALB Review Recommendations Update Report was provided to the Board at the June 2024 meeting.
S Douthwaite summarised the agreed Non-Executive Champions as follows:
- S Douthwaite - Diversity and Inclusion
- K Gillatt - Women; Designated Body/Clinical Governance
- D Leather - Future Workforce Solution Transformation Programme
- M McKie - Disability and Neurodiversity; Health and Safety; Wellbeing and Safeguarding
- R Sidhu - LGBTQ+; BAME
- M Tomlin - Environment; Freedom to Speak Up
24/67 Communications from the Meeting
The Board wished to thank D Bailey for her service during her time as a Non-Executive Director and Associate Non-Executive Director. The Board wished to congratulate colleagues on their success at the CCA Global Excellence Awards. The Board wished to thank all colleagues involved in the Walking with the Wounded fundraising challenge. The Board wished to thank all colleagues working in the NHS Pensions service for their continued commitment to delivering the service strategy.
24/68 Forward Agenda
The Board NOTED the forward agenda.
24/69 Date and Venue of Next Meeting
The next Board meeting was planned for 20 June 2024 at Stella House.
(Brendan Brown, Darren Curry, Neil Emery, Andy McKinlay, Allison Newell, Samuel Ubanatu and Nigel Zaman left the meeting)
24/70 Update from the Remuneration and Nominations Committee held on 10 April 2024 - Alert, Advise, Assurance (AAA) Report
M Tomlin gave an update on the work of the Remuneration and Nominations Committee - this was summarised in an Alert, Advise, Assurance report issued to the Board.
The Board NOTED the update - and the alerts, advice and assurance provided.