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Service Improvement and Development Board

The Service Improvement and Development (SID) board takes place quarterly and is attended by the chairs of the Regional Employer Groups. The group was set up following the introduction of the administration levy and provides a platform for employers to suggest changes and improvements to the way the NHS Pension Scheme is administered.


Since the introduction of the SID Board and the change request process in May 2017, we have received 35 change requests so far.


Each change request is discussed, prioritised and agreed upon by the regional groups before it is presented at the SID Board using the relevant form. From there, the process depends on the nature of the change or improvement. 15 of the 35 requests have been accepted and have either been completed and resolved or are being included in current and future system developments.


The group vote on each suggested change or improvement to ensure the outcome is representative of the employer’s needs; 9 of the 35 were not supported by the group.


The common themes that have been highlighted following this process show that data related changes and improvements are most commonly requested. This helps to map out future system developments at NHS Pensions and how they can be used to benefit our employers.


To find out more about the process and how to submit a change or improvement, please visit our website.