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Contact EIBSS
If you have any queries about the England Infected Blood Support Scheme (EIBSS), you can contact us by:
Phone: 0300 330 1294
Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm
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Message from Theresa Britton - Head of Service for NHS Pensions
Dear Colleagues,
I just wanted to take this seasonal opportunity to tell you about the progress we are making to improve NHS Pensions’ services.
This past year we have taken a huge step forward by successfully implementing a new internal work…
Information Services Portal (ISP) reports migrating to ePACT2
NHSBSA Information Services is undergoing a major technology overhaul. Our legacy mainframe system, which feeds a number of reports currently reported through Information Services Portal (ISP) will be decommissioned by January 2019.
This means…
Personally administered items
This report is accessed via ePACT2 for registered users.
5 minute guide to the GP Practice Personally Administered Items Report (PADAM) (YouTube video)
It provides information on the items personally administered within the practice down to…
Registering for ePACT2
The ePACT2 system is available only to those users who have registered to access.
Prospective users must choose the relevant access required from the selection available below. It is important that users read the information and requirements before…
Update to Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS)
Further to the NHS Pensions and the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS) article in our June 2020 newsletter, HMRC has published further information as part of their business support during COVID-19, which confirms the way in which the furlough…
Patient exemption checking: a guide for ophthalmic teams in England
From 1 September 2021, the temporary signature suspension has been lifted. Patients, or their representatives, will again be required to sign the reverse of NHS prescription, dental and eye care forms, or tokens for prescriptions presented at the…
Patient exemption checking: a guide for pharmacy teams in England
From 1 September 2021, the temporary signature suspension has been lifted. Patients, or their representatives, will again be required to sign the reverse of NHS prescription, dental and eye care forms, or tokens for prescriptions presented at the…
Prescription Costs in Hospitals and the Community (PCHC) consultation
This page was last reviewed and updated on 13 April 2022.
We asked
We invited feedback on the changes made to the Prescribing Costs in Hospitals and the Community Official Statistics publication, including the change of data source. The…
Department of Health and Social Care launches consultation on proposed changes to Scheme Regulations to support McCloud Remedy
The Department of Health and Social Care has announced a consultation on proposed changes to the NHS Pension Scheme Regulations that will be required to put the first part of the McCloud Remedy in place.
What is included in the consultation