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How to complete the ARR process as a provider - Friday 30 June deadline 2023
If you're a provider, you'll be required to confirm each performer's Net Pensionable Earnings (NPE) for the 2022 to 23 financial year. This is called the Annual Reconciliation Report (ARR) process, and you'll need to complete it by 11:59pm on Friday…
How to complete the ARR process as a performer - Friday 30 June 2023 deadline
If you're a performer, you're required to confirm your Net Pensionable Earnings (NPE) for the 2022 to 23 financial year. This is called the Annual Reconciliation Report (ARR) process, and you need to complete it by 11:59pm on Friday 30 June 2023. …
HC2 certificates (full help with health costs)
If you apply to the NHS Low Income Scheme and receive an HC2 certificate for full help with health costs, you’re entitled to:
free NHS prescriptions
free NHS dental treatment
free NHS sight tests
help with the cost of glasses or contact lenses…
Post-migration email addresses
Following on from an email migration IT Project within the NHSBSA, the following email accounts are to be used going forward by NHS Pension Employers. Members must not be advised to use these accounts.
NHSBSA announces work with Accenture to deliver the new contract management system for NHS Dental Services
The NHS Business Services Authority (NHSBSA) has announced that it will be working with Accenture to create a long-awaited, brand-new, contract management system for NHS Dental Services.
The new system will be owned by the NHSBSA’s NHS Dental…
SHE annual report 2022/23 Part 1
Introduction from our Executive Director of People and Corporate Services
This report celebrates what we have achieved during 2022/23.
2022/23 was another challenging year, but thankfully we did see the end of all controls in relation to the…
Case study
National Medicines Optimisation Opportunities Dashboard (ePACT2)
The NHS England (NHSE) Medicines Optimisation Executive Group identified and agreed 16 national medicines optimisation opportunities for the NHS to deliver on integrated care boards…
Prescription data
We provide prescribing, dispensing and organisation data to help NHS stakeholders track trends and to inform decisions.
Using a wide range of information based on prescribing and dispensing, we create reports specific to user needs and requirements…
Data required for Annual Allowance
Legislative requirements place a responsibility upon employers to provide information to NHS Pensions. This information will enable NHS Pensions to provide an Annual Allowance statement to members who could be affected.
The requirements specify…
How to appeal an EIBSS application decision
If your application to the scheme was unsuccessful, you can appeal the decision.
Reasons for an appeal
You can appeal the decision we made about your England Infected Blood Support Scheme (EIBSS) application. An appeal may be considered if you…