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Coronavirus (COVID-19) privacy notice
Coronavirus (COVID-19) and your information
Published on 20 April 2020.
This notice describes how we may use your information to protect you and others during the coronavirus outbreak. It supplements our main privacy notice.
The health and social…
Voluntary ‘Scheme Pays’ Deadline for 2018/19
The NHS Business Services Authority is sympathetic to the situation that NHS staff currently find themselves in during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and are keen to support members of the NHS Pension Scheme (England and Wales) who are front…
NHS 111 self-isolation texts
We're helping to send daily texts from the NHS to new patients who register their coronavirus symptoms and contact details with the 111 online service.
Messages are sent to people who have been asked to self…
Supporting NHS returning to work during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak
We’ve created a customer service team to look after all former NHS clinicians who want to return to work during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak.
The team was set up at very short notice within our HR Shared Services in response to a request…
Dental telephone triage reporting
During the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, dental practices in England are triaging patients and where necessary, referring them to a local Urgent Dental Care hub.
All data collected during the triage calls must be captured, stored and available…
Extension of voluntary scheme pays 2018/19 deadline
The NHS Business Services Authority is sympathetic to the situation that NHS staff currently find themselves in during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and is keen to support members of the NHS Pension Scheme (England and Wales) who are front…
Using the employer pensions scan query email account
During COVID-19 we have introduced a number of measures and easements to support employers at this time.
One of these was a new email account for employers to send certain forms to where other methods are no longer suitable.
Recently the team…
Help us to improve our data products
We're always looking at ways to improve our data products. We can only do this with your help and feedback.
We want to talk regularly to people:
in different roles
who work in different parts of the country
with different accessibility needs…
Pension Awareness 2023: Learning more
Pension Awareness Week is all about helping to raise awareness of the importance of pensions. Throughout the week we’ll be sharing information on the NHS Pension Scheme, what it is and why it’s so valuable.
Don’t lose track of your pension
ePACT2 training
ePACT2 webinars
We offer a free webinar training service to all ePACT2 users. You can book onto these sessions as many times as you need.
Our webinar sessions are one hour long and we offer 3 different types of sessions.
Use the booking form to…