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NHS Smoking Cessation Service - Referral from Secondary Care into Community Pharmacy
The NHS Smoking Cessation Service is a nationally commissioned advanced Service as part of the Community Pharmacy Contractual Framework. This service follows on from the Smoking Cessation Transfer of Care pilots which commenced in November 2020.
Internet Explorer support ends on 15 June 2022
Microsoft is withdrawing support for Internet Explorer (IE) from Wednesday 15 June 2022. As a result, we will no longer support IE in Compass.
Compass supports the latest versions of Edge, Chrome and Firefox. Safari is also supported on Mac…
Additional allowances
Depending on your circumstances, you may be entitled to more support through the NHS Bursary.
Dependants Allowance
You’re eligible for Dependants Allowance if you have anyone who is wholly or mainly financially dependent on you during your…
NHS Jobs publications
NHS Jobs roadmap
The NHS Jobs roadmap conveys how the service is being developed on a quarterly basis.
The roadmap to your new NHS Jobs service (PDF: 434KB)
Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA)
A guide to assist organisations who need to…
Pharmacy Quality Scheme (PQS)
About the scheme
The Pharmacy Quality Scheme (PQS) forms part of the Community Pharmacy Contractual Framework (CPCF). PQS is designed to support delivery of the NHS Long Term Plan and reward community pharmacies that deliver quality criteria in…
NHSEI: Myth busting the £50m investment offer
Following NHS England and NHS Improvement's (NHSEI's) £50m funding announcement, a myth buster has been produced. Read the myth buster in the latest 'Your NHS dentistry and oral health update'.
Primary care services for integrated care boards
The NHS Business Services Authority (NHSBSA) provides a wide range of services to NHS commissioners. Watch our video to find out more.
Our Primary Care Services
These are the national services we provide on…
Future NHS Workforce Solution Transformation Programme
The NHS Business Services Authority (NHSBSA) is leading an NHS-led transformation programme to identify and deliver the Future NHS Workforce Solution. The solution will build on the success of the current Electronic Staff Record (ESR) system in…
Submitting FP17s for urgent care sessions
If your practice has been awarded additional funds following NHS England and NHS Improvement's £50m funding announcement, it is essential that you select the Flexible Commissioning indicator ‘Securing Access for Urgent Care’ when submitting FP17s …