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NHS Learning Support Fund account
With an NHS Learning Support Fund (LSF) account, you’ll be able to:
apply for elements of NHS LSF
update your personal details, including your bank account
check when your payments are due
You'll keep the same account throughout your studies…
Funding update for Postgraduate, Dental Therapy and Dental Hygiene students
The Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) has confirmed new funding arrangements will take effect for students starting a Postgraduate, Dental Therapy and Dental Hygiene course.
From 1 August 2018, new students starting a pre-registration…
Contact NHS Learning Support Fund
If you have any questions about NHS Learning Support Fund (LSF), you can contact us. We're open Monday to Friday 8am to 6pm, or Saturday from 9am to 3pm.
Online: use our online form
Telephone: 0300 330 0521
Text relay phone service: 18001 0300…
Exceptional Support Fund (ESF)
The Exceptional Support Fund (ESF) is funding available to eligible healthcare students who experience unforeseen financial hardship during their studies. You can claim a grant of up to £3,000 per academic year.
To claim ESF, you need…
Parental Support
Eligible students on full time pre-registration healthcare courses can claim a set amount of £2,000 per academic year. Students on part-time courses will receive a pro-rata amount. You’ll receive payments in 3 instalments with your Training Grant…
NHS Business Services Authority publishes its End of Year Report 2019-20
NHS Business Services Authority (NHSBSA) has been responding to a national call for support during the coronavirus pandemic, working in partnership to stand up over 20 additional services since March 2020.
Allison Newell, Deputy CEO and Executive…
Travel and Dual Accommodation Expenses (TDAE)
If you've attended a placement as part of your course, you may be able to claim back:
excess costs for travel relating to your placement, compared to your usual journey to university
accommodation you paid for to attend your placement
You can…
NHS Learning Support Fund (LSF)
NHS Learning Support Fund (LSF) is funding to support eligible healthcare students. To apply, you need to be on one of the following pre-registration undergraduate or postgraduate courses:
dental therapy or dental hygiene (level 5 and 6 courses…
NHS Business Services Authority partners with two charities
Staff at the national NHS organisation, which is based in the North East, have chosen two charities to partner with this coming year, following their success in raising £67,000 for the British Heart Foundation during 2018/19.
The funds raised, well…
Information for universities and colleges
We provide information and resources for universities and colleges who work with current or prospective NHS and social work students.
If you have any queries about any of the resources or would like to discuss our services and how we can help you,…