On an annual basis all employing authorities (EAs) are required to submit end of year information to NHS Pensions. You must submit this information to NHS Pensions by 23 May 2025. The legislative date is 31 May, but this period allows the Data Management Team to process all updates received.
If you use Pensions Online (POL) you should submit this year end information via POL.
For Non-POL employers, the Data Management Team will send a prepopulated spreadsheet to your main EA contact the week commencing 10 March 2025.
The spreadsheet will be partially prepopulated for all members where an annual update should be submitted. Once the spreadsheet has been received, employers will receive an email from the Data Team to confirm receipt, which will be sent within five working days.
If you do not receive the confirmation email, you should contact the employer helpline on 0300 3301 353. The Data Team will then contact you directly to resolve the issue and work with employers to resolve any errors arising from the annual update, before the annual benefit statement cut-off date, which is still to be confirmed.
Spreadsheets incorrectly completed will be returned for correction and the data will not be processed until the amended information is received. Any spreadsheets received after 23 May 2025 will be worked on a best endeavours basis. The Data Team is unable to commit to these being completed prior to the cut off. Comprehensive guidance notes will be made available to all employers. The Stakeholder Engagement Team is hosting a virtual training event via Microsoft Teams for all Non-POL employers. A date is to be confirmed, and we will contact the non-POL employers directly with information.