ICB restructure July 2022
From 1 July 2022, Integrated Care Boards (ICBs) have replaced Strategic Information Partnerships (STPs). Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) are now Sub-ICB Locations (SICBLs).
You can find more information about these changes on the Integrated Care Boards webpage at NHS Digital.
We have compiled a reference document comparing the new ICB and SICBL names with the previous STP and CCG names:
ICB name reference document (Excel: 32KB)
This document shows the statutory name of each ICB. If you require the shortened name for prescribing purposes, contact us at prescriptioninformation@nhsbsa.nhs.uk
Authorised signatories within ICBs, or an agency representing the ICB, must inform us of additions, deletions or changes to:
- NHS and Private CD Pharmacy Contractors
- private controlled drug (CD) prescribers
- Health and Justice Services, including their prescribers
You must notify us of additions, deletions and changes to organisational and prescriber data by emailing notification forms to prescriptioninformation@nhsbsa.nhs.uk
Accepting notifications
We only accept notifications submitted by authorised signatories.
The senior authorised signatory within the ICB is responsible for adding, deleting or making changes to other signatories. Notifications sent by individuals who are not nominated authorised signatories for the ICB will not be accepted.
Find out more about our authorised signatory process.
If we have any queries, we’ll email the original sender of the notification.
We cannot make a change to our systems until we receive a satisfactory response to the query. More complex queries can be discussed by telephone, but must always be followed up with written confirmation of the action agreed.
For further information, you can contact us by:
Telephone: 0191 203 5112
Email: prescriptioninformation@nhsbsa.nhs.uk
Business hours are Monday to Friday, 8am to 4pm.
Find out about call charges
Changing data
If you need to change any organisational or prescriber data held by us for your organisation, contact an authorised signatory within the ICB who'll be able to submit this on your behalf.
If the ICB does not supply information to us in a timely manner, prescription costs may be attributed to the incorrect practice or cost centre.
Notify us about changes
Find the most up to date information and forms relevant to your organisation or prescriber type.
NHS Pharmacy Contractors
New NHS Pharmacy Contractor
Download and complete the NHS Pharmacy Contractor form (Excel: 65KB)
When a new NHS Pharmacy contractor code has been requested, the authorised signatory will be notified of the new code by email.
Make sure that you follow the guidance about completing banking and correspondence information at the bottom of this page.
If the new NHS Pharmacy contractor also requires a Private CD dispensing contractor code to enable them to submit any private CD prescriptions they’ve dispensed, refer to the guidance for Private CD Pharmacy Contractors.
Change of ownership of NHS Pharmacy contractor
Download and complete the change of ownership of NHS pharmacy contractor form (Excel: 113KB)
If a change of ownership occurs where a company has bought a business on a non debts and liabilities basis, we'll issue a new contractor code.
Where a change of ownership results in a NHS Pharmacy contractor code being issued, the authorised signatory will be notified of the new code by email.
Additionally, where the previous owner held a private CD pharmacy contractor code, we'll issue a new private CD prescriber code to the new owner. The new code will also be notified to the authorised signatory by email.
Make sure that you follow the guidance about completing banking and correspondence information at the bottom of this page.
If a change of ownership occurs and the contractor completely buys out another company including debts, liabilities and access to bank account, we'll not issue a new contractor code.
This includes any relevant private CD pharmacy contractor code.
Closure of NHS pharmacy contractor
Closure of NHS pharmacy contractor (Excel: 62KB)
Change of NHS pharmacy contractor details
Change of NHS pharmacy contractor details (Excel: 116KB)
CD dispensing contractors
A new private CD dispensing contractor code will be issued when:
- a new private pharmacy has opened
- an NHS Pharmacy contractor is required to dispense private CD prescriptions
- a change of ownership of an NHS pharmacy contractor has resulted in a new code being issued - where the previous owner held a private CD pharmacy code, a replacement code will be automatically allocated to the new owner
- a dispensing doctor contractor needs to dispense private CD prescriptions
Where a new private CD dispensing contractor code has been requested, the authorised signatory will be notified of the new code by email.
Private CD pharmacy contractor (Excel: 68KB)Private CD dispensing doctor (Excel: 72KB)
Appliance contractors
New NHS Appliance Contractor
New NHS Appliance Contractor (Excel: 107KB)
When a new NHS Appliance contractor code has been requested, the authorised signatory will be notified of the new code by email.
Make sure that you follow the guidance about completing banking and correspondence information at the bottom of this page.
Change of Ownership of NHS Appliance Contractor
Change of ownership of NHS Appliance Contractor (Excel: 131KB)
If a change of ownership occurs where a company has bought a business on a non debts and liabilities basis, we'll issue a new contractor code.
Where a change of ownership results in a NHS Appliance contractor code being issued, the authorised signatory will be notified of the new code by email.
Make sure that you follow the guidance about completing banking and correspondence information at the bottom of this page.
If a change of ownership occurs and the contractor completely buys out another company including debts, liabilities and access to bank account, we will not issue a new contractor code.
Closure of NHS Appliance Contractor
Closure of NHS appliance contractor (Excel: 63KB)
Change of NHS Appliance Contractor details
Change of NHS appliance contractor details (Excel: 111KB)
Completion of banking and correspondence information
The ICB and Contractor must complete the notification of bank and correspondence details proforma (Excel: 126KB).
All fields are mandatory and must be completed as follows:
- The ICB should complete section one of the form and then forward to the new contractor for completion of payment information (section 2)
- The contractor will return the completed form to the ICB
- The ICB will forward the form to NHS Prescription Services via email to the Customer Payments team at contractorpayments@nhsbsa.nhs.uk
We'll use the information you have provided to make payments into the bank account entered on the form.
Due to financial regulatory requirements, this information will be held securely and retained for up to 7 years after the contractor has ceased trading.
This information will not be shared with any third party, other than as we are required to by law.