Emergency Placement Scheme
We’ll administer the scheme should it be required under the Coronavirus Bill March 2020. The scheme compensates individuals undertaking emergency volunteering for loss of income and/or expenses incurred.
Cash flow support for community pharmacy
We’ve worked with NHSE and DHSC to make additional funds available to pharmacies to support the unprecedented increase in demand of their services. Over two days, we made payments of £300 million to all 10,000 active pharmacies.
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) storage and distribution for North East & North Cumbria Integrated Care System (ICS)
We’re supporting NE&NC ICS to store, manage stock control and distribution of PPE across the ICS region.
We’ve reconfigured part of our warehouse to store over four million items of PPE.
NHS & Social Care Coronavirus Life Assurance Scheme
We’re administering a Life Assurance Scheme service for DHSC and the Welsh Government to pay £60,000 where a colleague in the NHS or Social Care dies because of COVID-19 and they had been working on the frontline of the pandemic delivering care to those who have COVID-19.
Over 300 payments have been made.
Essential and Advance Delivery Service Payments
We’re delivering a payments service to dispensing contractors to support the delivery of medicines to over 1.4 million shielding patients where they don’t have a family member or friend to collect their medicines for them.
COVID-19 Vaccine Reimbursement
On behalf of NHSE/I we’re delivering a service to calculate and make payments to Primary Care Networks (PCNs) and Pharmacies for the administration of the COVID-19 vaccinations.