Further to the communication published on our website that advised all employers should continue to remit 14.3% (plus the employer levy of 0.08%) employer contributions to the Scheme for 2020-21, it has come to our attention that a number of employers paid an increased rate from April 2020.
With immediate effect, please can all employers ensure that they pay the correct employer contribution rate of 14.3% (plus the employer levy of 0.08%) and amend their systems accordingly.
We are contacting employers who we believe may have applied the incorrect employer rate to clarify the position and discuss refunding any overpaid contributions.
If you have not been contacted directly by the Pensions Finance Reporting Team and have paid a higher employer contribution rate you should apply for a refund. Please email nhsbsa.pensionsfinancereporting@nhs.net as soon as possible and request a refund of contributions claim form.