All employing authorities are required to submit end of year information to NHS Pensions on an annual basis.
Our Data Management Team will send the prepopulated spreadsheet to the main EA contact week commencing 16 March 2020. This will be partially prepopulated and will include details of all the members where we believe an annual update should be submitted.
Organisations have until 31 May 2020 to submit this information to NHS Pensions. If the information submitted has errors, our data management team will work with employers to improve the accuracy of data before the cut off.
Spreadsheets received after 31 May 2020 will be worked on a best endeavours basis, however we are unable to commit to these being completed prior to the cut off.
Comprehensive guidance notes will be made available to all employers. We are currently considering Webinars / Telephone Conferences for organisations needing assistance. If you are unsure about completing this process in 2020, please contact and we will look at how we can support you.
Further information and updates will be provided in our Employer Newsletter.