On an annual basis, all employing authorities are required to submit end of year information to NHS Pensions to allow us to complete our cyclic update of member records.
In 2020, Non POL Employers will be asked to complete and return the annual update by close of business on 31 May 2020. This will be done in the same way as previous Non POL annual submissions and the broad process is:
- Our Data Management Team will send the prepopulated spreadsheet to the main EA contact in March 2020. This will contain all the members that we believe an annual update will need to be submitted for.
- Organisations have until 31 May to submit this information to NHS Pensions. If the information submitted has errors, our data management team will work with employers to try and improve the accuracy of this data before the cut off.
- There will be comprehensive guidance notes sent alongside the annual update spreadsheet and we hope to host a combination of telephone and webinar training sessions to further support employers.
As you will be aware, NHS Pensions is currently re platforming Pensions Online which will ultimately allow all organisations to access Pensions Online. We anticipated that this functionality may be available for the 2020 Non POL annual submission of information.
We can confirm that we not at the stage to be able to on board organisations to the new service yet and as such we will continue to use the previous process which has proved to be very successful.
Further updates on both the 2020 Non POL Process and Re-Platformed Pensions Online will be communicated in future newsletters.