The 2018-19 GP Provider and non-GP Providers Certificate Of Pensionable Income is now available in the practitioner page of the Member Hub section of our website. All GP Providers and non-GP Providers must complete the certificate by 29 February 2020 in accordance with statutory pension legislation.
A GP Provider is legally required to complete a certificate in respect of each GMS, PMS, and APMS contract that they are a party to.
A non-GP Provider is legally required to complete a certificate in respect of one contract only even though they may be involved in several. This is because they can only superannuate income from practice.
The 2018-19 type 2 medical practitioner self-assessment form is also available on the practitioner page of the Member Hub section of our website. Practice-based salaried GPs and GPs who are solely Out Of Hours GPs must complete the form by 29 February 2020 in accordance with statutory legislation.
We shall provide guidance shortly in respect of the GP SOLO form, the ‘estimate of pensionable income form’, and the freelance GP locum forms A and B.