An addition has been added to Pension Online that refers to McCloud.
The new Pensions Online functionality will be called ‘McCloud Remedy Status’ and will appear on the list of options from the main ‘Employer menu’ page in Pensions Online and will be shown at the bottom of the list of options.
Within this new functionality you will not be able to amend any information or submit any details to NHS Pensions.
The ‘McCloud Remedy Status’ option allows you to check on all your staff members who are currently paying pension contributions to the NHS through your organisation and have an ‘Active’ employment under your EA/GP code to see if they were eligible for McCloud remedy and whether they are Remedy Eligible or not.
Selecting the ‘McCloud Remedy Status’ option will list all your staff members who are currently paying pension contributions to the NHS through your organisation and have an ‘Active’ employment under your EA/GP code on our system and the information supplied on the form is – Surname – Forename – NI Number - SD Number – Remedy Eligible. The ‘Remedy Eligibility’ field will either have an ‘Y’ or ‘N’ populated to advise you if the member of staff is eligible for McCloud remedy or not.
A new POL Guide is available on our website: Pensions Online | NHSBSA