For those Employing Authorities who do not utilise or have not onboarded the Making Contribution Payments (MCP) or (Pensions Online) POL platforms we would like to remind you to include a payment remittance when submitting your contribution payments, these should be forwarded to
Emailing a remittance when submitting your contribution payments will ensure that your payment data is promptly allocated, minimising the risk of incurring a Late Payment Charge.
Using the MCP service for paying pension contributions to NHS Pensions offers several benefits:
Convenience: The MCP service streamlines the payment process, providing a convenient and user-friendly platform for submitting payments and remittance data.
Timeliness: By utilising MCP, employers can ensure that their pension contributions are submitted in a timely manner, reducing the risk of delays, or missed deadlines.
Payment Options: MCP offers flexibility in payment methods. Employers can choose between the 'Automated' option for users with a Direct Debit mandate, or the 'Manual' option for those who need to make separate payments by BACS or another payment method.
Allocation Efficiency: MCP facilitates the efficient allocation of contributions, ensuring that the funds are promptly attributed to the applicable Employing Authorities account.
Risk Reduction: By using the MCP service, employers can minimize the risk of incurring Late Payment Charges, as timely and accurate payments and data will be allocated correctly.
Please note that by choosing the Direct Debit mandate you are in control of the date this payment leaves your account.
Overall, the MCP service simplifies the payment process, improves efficiency, and helps employers meet their pension contribution obligations to NHS Pensions effectively.
For further information on onboarding the MCP online platform please email: or visit our website: Make Contribution Payments - POL & non-POL | NHSBSA.