We recently shared with you an updated requirements document for payroll providers, setting out the system changes that will need to be made by your payroll provider by 1 October 2022 for the implementation of changes to member contributions. This replaces the previous set of requirements we shared in November 2021.
As a reminder, please share the requirements document with your payroll provider as soon as possible to make sure they're aware of the changes they need to make. If your payroll provider is ESR or NHS Dental Services, they have already been informed, so you don’t need to contact them.
If there are any questions about this from either yourselves or your payroll provider, please contact our Stakeholder Engagement Team on nhsbsa.stakeholderengagement@nhs.net
If your payroll provider is unable to implement the legislative changes on 1 October 2022, please inform us directly by email using the Stakeholder Engagement Team email address. Please include an explanation of the reason why the changes are unable to be made for our records.
Now that we have received the updated requirements, we are developing guidance and resources for you as an employer and will keep you updated on progress via this newsletter and our website.