New guidance and a checklist are available in the Employer Hub on our website to support you with the ill health process.
The guidance contains all the information you need to know about the process and the checklist helps you make sure all sections of the AW33E application form are completed correctly before submission.
AW33E application forms should be returned to NHS Pensions via email to or via post to NHS Pensions, PO Box 683, Unit 5, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE5 9EE.
It’s important that you do not close a member record until their ill health application has been accepted.
For serious ill health applications where life expectancy is less than 12 months, an AW33E, AW8 and AW341 (if applicable) must be emailed to Mark in the subject of the email that it is for a ‘serious ill health case'.
The NHS Pensions Stakeholder engagement team are hosting a virtual training event for employers on Wednesday 24 July 2024 at 10:30am.
This event will be looking at Ill Health retirement and the process involved for both employers and members.
Topics covered will include:
- eligibility
- how to apply and forms needed
- ill health assessment and decision
- leave and career breaks
- serious ill health
To reserve a place for this event, visit our Eventbrite page.