You may have received a 1995/2008 Scheme pension savings statement showing a pension input amount for tax year 2023/24 in brackets, ‘£(10,987.60)', for example. This means that the figure is a negative pension input amount.
You need to read the factsheet 'Negative pension input amount factsheet (Word: 339KB)' for important information about how to calculate your total NHS Pension Scheme pension input amount with a negative pension input amount. You will need this information to determine whether you have an annual allowance charge to pay, and where necessary to calculate that annual allowance charge.
If you are affected by the Public Service Pensions Remedy (also known as McCloud), there is more information on our page 'Understanding the effect of rollback on annual allowance' about when you may receive your Pension Savings Statement (PSS) and how to complete your Self Assessment tax return for this tax year with provisional figures.