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General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR)

Our Stakeholder Engagement Team has been receiving a substantial amount of queries to complete in respect of our obligations under GDPR.

A project team have been working on GDPR for some time and we have made good progress to ensure we are ready whilst following the latest best practice guidance. Some examples of the activities include;

  • Updating our policies and procedures
  • Confirming who our Data Protection Officer is
  • Training staff
  • Publishing explanations of how we use personal data
  • Updating all agreements and contracts that involve processing personal data
  • Making sure we only keep information for as long as necessary
  • Acting on the latest guidance to ensure we are ready

To assist both employers and other stakeholders further, we will shortly be releasing a FAQ document that covers the most frequently asked questions. This information will be uploaded to the Technical Guidance section of the employer’s hub.