Urgent action is needed to cleanse data in readiness for the 2022/23 year end updates.
There are currently 250,000 errors allocated to employers in Pensions Online (POL) error handling.
Over 93,000 are year-end updates for 2022 or earlier years.
This means that these members do not have up to date annual benefit or annual allowance statements available. This will also create a further 93,000 errors at year end 2023 if the records are not updated before the end of March.
Please check ‘Error Handling Employer Allocated Errors’ and ‘Non-updated Years’ in Pensions Online (POL), clear errors and submit any missing updates to 2022. Acting now will reduce errors at year end.
In early 2023, NHS Pensions will be contacting the Pensions Officers and Finance Directors of larger NHS organisations with information about data errors on hand.