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Sub ICB Locations

ICB restructure July 2022

From 1 July 2022, Integrated Care Boards (ICBs) have replaced Strategic Information Partnerships (STPs). Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) are now Sub-ICB Locations (SICBLs).

You can find more information about these changes on the NHS Digital website: Integrated Care Boards - NHS Digital

We have compiled a reference document comparing the new ICB and SICBL names with the previous STP and CCG names:

ICB name reference document (Excel: 32KB)

Please note that this document shows the statutory name of each ICB. If you require the shortened name for prescribing purposes, please contact us at

Authorised signatories within Sub ICB Locations or an agency representing the SICBL must inform us of additions or deletions or changes to GP practices, cost centres and prescribers within their organisation.

You must notify us of additions, deletions or changes to organisational and prescriber data using notification forms sent by emailing


If we have any queries, we’ll email the original sender of the notification. No changes can be made to our systems until we receive a satisfactory response to the query. More complex queries can be discussed by telephone, but must always be followed up with written confirmation of the action agreed.

For further information, you can contact us by:
Telephone: 0191 203 5112

Business hours are Monday to Friday, 8am to 4pm.

Find out about call charges

Accepting notifications

Only notifications submitted by authorised signatories will be accepted. The senior authorised signatory within the SICBL is responsible for authorising other signatories. Notifications sent by individuals who are not nominated authorised signatories for the SICBL will not be accepted. 

Changing data

If you need to change any organisational or prescriber data held by us for your organisation, contact an authorised signatory within the SICBL who will be able to submit this on your behalf.

Notify us about changes

Find the most up to date information and forms relevant to your organisation or prescriber type.

GP practices or Cost Centres

An authorised signatory at the SICBL, or an agency on their behalf, must advise us of any GP practice or cost centre additions or deletions or changes (such as, change of address) by using one of the relevant proformas listed:

New GP Practice or Cost Centre

New GP Practice (Excel: 56KB)New cost centre (Excel: 59KB)

A new GP Practice or Cost Centre is formed as the result of: 

  • merging 2 or more practices
  • splitting a practice into 2 or more practices
  • a brand new practice / cost centre opening

A relevant prescribing budget (per annum) and patient list size (per quarter) must be assigned to a new GP practice within a SICBL. These can be nominal figures and, in the respect of a new service / clinic, where patients may be registered elsewhere, we advise that the patient list size does not exceed 100 patients per quarter.

In respect of new cost centres for a Walk in Centre (WIC) or Out of Hours Service (OOH) a prescribing budget and patient list size is not mandatory. For WICs the SICBL may choose to provide this information and nominal figures can be given.

The acronym ‘WIC’ or ‘OOH’ must be added to a generic prescribing name (if applicable) and / or address so that it will be printed on prescriptions and identifiable to us. This allows us to highlight these forms appropriately to the NHS website and ODS (Organisational Data Service, part of NHS Digital).

A new cost centre can only be set up on our systems if either a named 'Doctor', a generically named spurious code or one or more non-medical prescribers are also added at the same time. You must also complete and send the relevant notification form together with the one above (omitting Practice Code field only.) 

Once actioned, the authorised signatory will be notified by email of the new GP Practice or Cost Centre code.

Following confirmation of the GP practice or Cost Centre code, the SICBL will be able to order personalised prescription pads.

Primary Care support England (PCSE) are now placing orders on behalf of GP practices, NHS Dentists and Private CD prescribers in place of NHS England ICBs.

This service is managed on behalf of NHS England by Capita. You can contact the service by:
Telephone: 0333 014 2884

The website of the service is

Changes to GP practice or cost centre code information, such as change of address

Use the relevant proforma:

Change of GP practice details (Excel: 60KB)Change of cost centre details (Excel: 59KB)

The new or updated information will be sent to Xerox (UK) Ltd and any replacement pads will bear the new or updated information, where applicable.

GP practice or cost centre merge

GP practice merger (Excel: 65KB)

Closure of a GP practice or cost centre

When a GP practice or cost centre has closed, please complete the applicable proforma:

Closure of GP practice (Excel: 71KB)Closure of a cost centre (Excel: 58KB)

Where applicable and together with the proforma, give details of the relocation of registered patients, such as, which GP practice they have transferred to.

The completed proformas should then be emailed to

If the SICBL does not supply information to us in a timely manner, prescription costs may be attributed to an incorrect organisation.


GPs within a SICBL

An authorised signatory at the SICBL, or an agency on their behalf, must advise us of any GP additions or deletions or changes to GP information, such as a change of surname, by using one of the relevant proformas listed.

Doctor joining a GP practice or cost centre within a SICBL

Doctor joining a GP Practice or Cost Centre (Excel: 65KB)

Doctor leaving a GP practice or cost centre within a SICBL

Note that if a doctor has been suspended, you should indicate this in the relevant section of the form and provide the date of when the suspension began. If the doctor leaves following suspension a further leaver form will need to be provided.

Doctor leaving a GP practice or cost centre (Excel: 55KB)

Change of doctor details

Change of doctor details (Excel: 57KB)

Spurious codes

Spurious GP codes are used for a variety of reasons, including:

  • a locum doctor working in a practice where the GP has resigned, normally single-handed practices
  • special exercises, projects or initiatives running in the SICBL and funded from the SICBL prescribing budget (such as, dermatology centres and hospices) where prescribing data is not required at individual prescriber level
  • as an additional prescribing code for a GP working in more than one practice or cost centre, in order to monitor prescribing in each practice or cost centre

A spurious code will only be issued to GPs whose doctor's index number (DIN code) is already in use at another practice or cost centre, or for hospital doctors who are not issued with a DIN code.

Locum doctors should use the prescribing code of the doctor for whom they are providing locum services unless there are no GPs left in the practice or cost centre.

If a spurious code is required, complete the Spurious code request (Excel: 58KB)

If a spurious code is to be ended or is leaving a practice or cost centre, complete the spurious code leaving a GP Practice or Cost Centre (Excel: 54KB).

For change of details of a spurious code, complete the change of spurious code details (Excel: 55KB).

For a spurious code which is to be ended and replaced with an inactive DIN at the same practice complete the change from Spurious Code to DIN Code request (Excel: 54KB).

Pooled list code

A pooled list code is issued to a GP practice for the purpose of holding the practice’s patient list against one central code. This code is not a prescribing code and should never appear on prescriptions.

The pooled list code should not be used to hold patients in abeyance (when a GP leaves and the patients are waiting to be assigned to a new GP).

Abeyance codes are issued by the ODS (part of NHS Digital). If you require an abeyance code, you can contact ODS by:

Telephone: 01392 251289

Abeyance codes are not held on our systems and must not appear on prescriptions as a prescribing code.

If a pooled list code is required, complete this proforma:   Pooled List code for a GP Practice (Excel: 55KB)

Completed proformas should then be emailed to

Once actioned, the new or updated information will be sent to Xerox (UK) Ltd and any replacement pads will bear the new or updated information, where applicable.

Where a spurious and pooled list code has been requested, the authorised signatory will be notified of the new codes by email.

Following confirmation of the new codes, the SICBL will be able to order personalised prescription pads.

Primary Care Support England (PCSE) are now placing orders on behalf of GP practices, NHS dentists and private CD prescribers in place of NHS England ICBs.

This service is managed on behalf of NHS England by Capita. You can contact the service by:

Telephone: 0333 014 2884

The website of the service is

If the SICBL does not supply information to us in a timely manner, prescription costs may be attributed to an incorrect organisation.

DIN request

GPs are issued with a doctor’s index number (DIN), which is used as their prescribing code on prescriptions.

Doctors and consultants working in hospital units and ISHPs do not use DIN codes. To register a doctor within these organisations, use our Spurious code form (Excel: 58KB).

Any changes to employment status must be actioned by the GP or SICBL via the PCSE online portal prior to submission of DI7 form.

Application for Doctor's Index Number (DIN)

DI7 form (Excel: 56KB)For authorised signatory or approved organisation use only.

Non-medical prescribers

An authorised signatory at the SICBL, or an agency on their behalf, must advise us of any non-medical prescriber (NMP) additions or deletions or changes to NMP information (such as, change of surname) by using one of the relevant proformas listed:

Non-medical prescriber joining a GP practice or cost centre (Excel: 54KB)Non-medical prescriber leaving a GP practice or cost centre (Excel: 55KB)Change of non-medical prescriber details (Excel: 61KB)

The completed proformas should then be emailed to

Once actioned, the new or updated information will be sent to Xerox (UK) Ltd and any replacement pads will bear the new or updated information, where applicable.

Primary Care Support England (PCSE) are placing orders for NMPs. If this is the case for your organisation, this service is managed on behalf of NHS England by Capita. You can contact this service by:
Telephone: 0333 014 2884

The website of the service is

Alternatively, personalised prescription pads from Xerox (UK) Ltd must be ordered using the Xerox (UK) Ltd ordering procedure.

If the SICBL does not supply information to us in a timely manner, prescription costs may be attributed to an incorrect organisation.

NMP Locums

If a practice only uses paper prescriptions, NMP locums should use the prescriptions of a similarly qualified NMP. The signature on the form can be used to identify the locum who has signed it.

If a practice utilises EPS and has locum NMPs on an ad hoc basis, those NMPs should always be registered even if they are only working at the practice for a short time. This is because the prescriptions could be processed incorrectly if a different prescriber's details are used on the EPS system.